Crashed and burned today. A day spent with disrupted sleep patterns, crazy eating times and aches all over.

We both woke up around half past midnight because we coudn’t sleep. Watched a bit of tv, snacked out and tried again. One of us made it back to sleep around 01.30, the other did not get off until 09.30.

Finally got out of bed around lunchtime and headed off for feed and supplies. We had a great lunch of hot steaming soup, and fish salad and tacos.

2020 – 01 11 – Jan 11th – Canada – Granville Island

Then off to the markets to pick up food for the night, and tomorrow’s breakie.

Stopped off at the Liberty Distillery (click for external link) on the island. “Since our official opening, The Liberty Distillery on Granville Island has been offering Vancouver’s first hand-crafted, premium spirits made from 100% BC organic grain“.

2020 – 01 11 – Jan 11th – Canada Vancouver Granville Island

Spent the rest of the night consuming duty free, packing cases, eating and vegging out in front of the idiot-box.

We decided to only take one case each to Vancouver Island for the week, and left one case each behind at the hotel for picking up upon our return.

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